Friday, 7 January 2022

for Trev

Urn ash and paint like gruel, hell-

cell, a little piece of sky, not much

light gets in here. She is my spirit



                              Robert Lowell said ‘imperfection

Is the language of art’. Grief was

In my heart the day that I painted

This, my evil dad broke her.


Thirty one years of marriage

And he had two daughter’s

and another wife who died

of cancer, Spearhead was my

nickname for him.


I knew something wasn’t right

We never spoke, eye contact.

You can be a bastard but

don't ever be a cunt.

 Can you paint the grief?

The hurt you cannot see.

This is oceans deep and wide.

An ex-brit who killed brits


And I am a brit who hated

To love him and vice versa.

The black ulsterated hills

Is in his heart, he abused


My brother/sister that was

On my mind, urn ashes

And paint, beauty is in

Truth and truth is beautiful.


 Mum-bled for me 

I mumbled her, just three

let-hers: Pat

Ashes to ashes

a painted life you will all

ways live in me

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