Wednesday, 22 March 2023



The stress we put our bodies under

Gladiators in the ring into stroke victim

on the slab in an I.C.U.  We smash human 

time frames but we have to get away from this cycle of violent warmongering we are 

pummeling our existence.


One hundred thousand watch two men

beat themselves around the ring. Millions

like me pay per you tube the super series.

I love a good scrap but we are beating ourselves to pulp stroke victims.


I grew up fighting 3 times a day and I took

a massive stroke. I don’t know the alter-

Native. We have been locked in blood begets 

blood for two thousand years what started it

Was a cruci-fiction. Just think what humanity 

has fighting can be a martial art defensive

like judo an art form not a deform.


Let us use man’s inner strength not 

future stroke victims. A man in a wheelchair paralyzed without memory in a crippled NHS.

Don’t be like me, life isnt just a dig in

The head injury now bedbound.

There’s not much hope for me but

Humanity rules ok.




Monday, 20 March 2023

I live on the write hemisphere

(a pome for Iain mc Gilchrist)


Some say that we need both

But my left brain was erased

Long-term memory loss. I think

They are divided for survival

From injuries like living with

one lung etc.…


The left brain of anger angst

Warmongering in the name

Of god this is dog nonsense.

I have survived my stroke

For twenty years living in hell-

Cell. How come I live on the right

No dog exists in here is a black hole

portal of poetry.


Where life is peace there is no-

Thing else. Marguerite Dumas’s

Said on the study of melancholy.

‘when you find yourself In a hole

at the bottom of a hole realizing

only writing can save you’.

The write hemisphere, I found

Myself in a black hole-hell cell.

Writing is my bleak way out.

Its bleak and black beautiful

This is all I have being sad but

Not being sad John Berryman’s

’ Blind brow’.


I found myself in blackhole after

 a massive stroke that erased my left

like my hard drive was wiped clean.


 Leaving me with aphasia, aphantasia

paralyzed down the right half of my body.

My world is black and bleak but so was

Dickens and the Irish-Russian literature.


People don’t realize that dog thought

And sentimentality without a dark

Side. Ying dances with yang, black

mingles white, sunyata, satori how

 do you explain that one?



                                                                                      SHA-DOW SWORD OF DAMN-                                ...