Two faced
Bo Jo con
Serve Sue Grave, Rich sunk-
All in the same boat
"During times of universal deceit,
telling the truth becomes
a revolutionary act." George Orwell
I was ten or twelve
when my father
told me to burn
a good red coat.
That was Belfast
In the early
seventies so
I done what
I was told
to this day it
has always
niggled me why
I had to burn
that coat.
My father is dead
and my sister
who was wearing
the coat
she killed
and I think
this is why.
This was
the coat
that carried
the gun
that killed
the man?
A flock of birds fly-
by my window, I see
shadow on my wall
of grey as if fleeing
climate change.
sunset on Renvyle beach
sunlight is written.
Bare-bulb light is my sun-
driftwood shaping.