Friday, 3 December 2021

painted before stroke
before I saw natural stone
repeat repetition

I brush the soiled tears
from your eyes and you wake-
glistening in mine

Stace could undertaker
create something like this?
my hands are cold


Black Friday, ashamed kill

Rittenhouse, school killing 

labinjo humanity. Why is

life so cheap?

Before my head hits

The pillow I mouth the man-

tra I- am ness

 Stephanie you live

                         in me, beauty is in-

                                                    eye of beholder

Monday, 29 November 2021

I need a ringpiece

To levitate me of 

the bed, do donut



          ology, a watchmakers


Woe be gone, woe b

tide, betide of woe 

begone inside.

Get off your high horse
of capitalism speak to
 me of humanity.

'finding yourself in a hole,at the bottom of a hole' in almost solitude, and discovering that only writing can save you.

 Poems, dreams, realities

      I wrote them before my feet

           hit the ground.


I’m going black into myself, I've been

On Gaia, Curiosity stream, Prime but

Nothing catches my mind's eye.

My long-term memory was wiped-

stroked out.

I am trying to remember something
that I cant see, I suffer from aphasia,
Aphantasia.I hope that you can make
me out, a shadow of my former self.

I have written this before but 

in a different vein. I’m like a junky

Chasing life that's beyond me

Shooting up to get down. Some-

times I remember being in a place

that I cant see, no hollo-gram.

There is no projection not even

a Mickey Mouse sketch.


                                                                                      SHA-DOW SWORD OF DAMN-                                ...