Tuesday, 11 July 2023




for GG 

Dharma bum, watching MOATS-mother 

of all talk shows. I felt GGsvibration,  

frustration ringing through me like 

a town crier crying forlornly of

 the Peterloo massacre, are we

going back there.? 

GG dont be offended this isn't about 

religion or holy war it is about humanity. 

And don't pick up that fucking gun, DE-


Life is peace there is nothing else. I know 

I have writ you before but your words were 

so true it rattled these words to flow like tears.

I have long-term memory loss, and can't cling

to memory. This is the anniversary of  lyrical 

ballads inspired by the French Revolution

France is on fire again. 

I have lived through a thirty-year war in N.I. 

Whatever happened to neutrality and a twenty-

year peace pro-cess-pool of bombed peace. 

My sister killed herself what waste 

a beautiful lass ravaged by war stop 

the paranoia and get help the world is

depressed don't deny it help us to help you. 

My family are shell shock victims alcos 

my mother had five strokes, I took 

a massive one that nearly killed me 

left me paralyzed in a wheelchair is this 

what you want. 

Just think what R.U.S.A.with China

we could end poverty, our water 

sewage is killing us by is this de-

mock racey, this will be norm? 

They say I  died for seconds in 


I have lost all long-term memory 

cant remember my 3 kids being born 

or being married, lost all sensation

sense of humor a creative writing tutor 

jokes and litter-ature go right over 

my head. 

45 years of memory gone like a child 

in an adult body, no minds eye emotional 

engineering. I have writ some of this 

before no memory.


We went from an anti-war stance in 

a propaganda in-stance, to a pro-war 

this is an epidemic of global P.T.S.D.

Were shell shocked and bewildered 

at how greed and corruption has ate 

hate speech on its way into our system. 

For hear ye! news I watch: The Dive,

Redacted, Greyzone, Duran.

The mainstream media explodes like 

a Nord stream thunderous methane fart

and Greta says nothing about climate 

dam-busting, eco-ego-war-rior, that truth 

child is gone, and were left with the wonder 

woman NATOgirl to Biden his little girls.

I wonder who's pulling the tangled-strings 

puppet-tear cry me a dam burst stream 

of terrorist sabotage de-mock-racey is no 

longer a B.L.M.matter the world is on the street.

Europa were not working for a Yankee 

dollar sanctions have backfired the little 

soldier Shultz is running but there

is nowhere to hide from the satellite eye.

In-put the Russian doll breeds the Russian 

call for arms. That's all we need a perverted 

president.  Hard to get up in the morning 

with a Pinocchio erection a wooden liar war-

monger who loves little girls, we are in for it.

I am one of six children in a wheelchair

riddled by alcoholism and shell shock. 

This blood Begets blood has got to stop. 

from Jesus and the Crucifiction to Shake-

spearian, Orwellian fiction Dostoyevsky, 

Grief by Chekov, The dead Joyce. Graveyard 

matter talking to the dead gives us reason 

to live in negative capability.

Faction truth from fiction gives us truth 

and humanity will grow, war crimes 

and lies from a shallow state plundering 

and killing like mafia dons or vikings, my 

father came from this world but I want 

none of that, this is a slippery slope were on.

These stories all are ringing true Gulag 

death camps and Victor Frankil pulled 

us through with a stoic wonder you just 

can't beat the truth ringing, hear ye,

 hear ye!

Tragic comedy is back-to-front comedic 

tragedy black humor and the king of black 

humor Spike said we are 

so fucked!

This is a war of linguistics and propaganda 

Biden the hard-man is in high noon or Shane

 come back Shane,do you want Gunslinger 

Biden back, he's lawless. 

It's like wherein a film script Peter Sellers 

Dr Love strange is riding a new clear- bomb. 

There is no coming back from this one. 

We are on a Tarantino script it goes to the 

core of humanity's strange love. Someone 

tell them it's a nuclear black fucking joke, 

now so close to the bone it's reality, a flimsy 

hollow gram.

Even Noam Chomsky the main man 

of linguistics with bloodline of immigrants

 Russian/Ukraine is lost for words. He doesn't

do hate lingo. Forget the labels and borders, 

get off your high horse of capitalism lets talk 

of snobbery tripping up humanity.

Tear up the script like the peace declaration 

Bojo the clown threw in the bin and we 

are arresting Trump. These people walk 

freely down billionaire boulevard with their 

friends Andrew, Epstein and co while humanity 

whistle-blower Assange rots in jail for 

the crime of humanity.

People we have been blinkered 

and the Australian government 

feel no shame. Revolt, revolt, 

revolt this is Peterloo day the

 peasant's revolt. 

I went on a warmonger podcast 

to see their so-called bigger 

picture and heard words that once 

were poetic like nomenclature,

un-due-late, nonchalant, hate 

speech flowed to bomb peace.

I felt sick and violated, pixelated 

so much for the big picture, these 

words for me were like stand-

alone poetry they bombed to

 smithereens, poems within poems.


and like Northern Ireland they tore 

the lost lives book up in your face like 

a sacred text. commemorating

the fallen, taigs, prods, I.R.A. UVF

Soldiers and police.

Blood begets blood means blood-

shed will follow. The fucks are not 

bad language its the cluster of hate

 speech.I come from the streets of

 Belfast a spade is a fucking spade.

My words will do you no harm, 

l don't have an agenda.I might 

live in a disabled hell cell but 

I'm a poet in love with life even 

if its a dark hope, poetry like 

sunshine is free. 

I said to a born-again guy once 

my so-called bad language is

just four-letter words that are 

in the dictionary like love rose 

they hold no malice.

It's the hate speech said by so-

called righteous people I am a

 wordsmith, they are part of me 

   like god is part of you. 

Ok said I and spat on my palm 

and held it out, l'll stop saying 

the f word if you stop saying 

the G word. 

My mother from Dublin, 

Rathmines, the Dodder, 

used to say 'It's not hard 

to be civil'.


                                                                                      SHA-DOW SWORD OF DAMN-                                ...