Thursday, 6 January 2022



How can I get memory to pop up in my head?

when I am just a man-shell-alive dead.

Grey matter matters to the living dead, bed-

ridden now for two years hibernating covid.

I am a variant going in. No fiction here in my head,

infantile, give me just a glimmer of project -tile.


I feel like Bobby Sands without he hunger strike

he is my hero not because he died for Ireland but

He had the balls to stand up for our land no orange

Green a global warrior. Fuck red, white and blue.

Where are we now, socialism is the only way.


 Stammer might not be up to much but

benefit of doubt we are not American’s

or the Richie Sunack crew. Your selling

yourself short he’s playing the trump

card and you’re going to let him.


Maybe its a good thing that I don’t have memory

And don’t vote wankers In. half my life

was wasted on troubles England started, united

Irish man get over trad bulllshit be a green

and orange land. We don’t need the fucking

English to feed us full of hate,  I am one.



5G got into me, morphogenetic 

chimpanzee poetry. Neuroscience 

sees the right brain as monkey mind 

The write brain not monkey man.


Let me start by saying, I am not a scientist 

just a mere poet gripped. I took a massive 

stroke in 2005, my left brain was erased 

so I live on the write side. so how come

I understand the divided brain. i have been 

writing for years on my sense that Raymond -

Carver and Patrick Kavanagh are here in

the realm of possibility. Me becoming poet 

was accidently on purpose.

a signal of humanity.


My life and my poems have been about seeking

Feeling not meaning, we have been searching

For metre rhyme and meaning but the Portuguese

Poet Fernando Pessoa said ‘it is not necessary just

to live but to feel’.

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