Wednesday, 5 January 2022




I am tired writing this blog, no mind’s eye

Aphantasia was aphantastic, I have 

always had the ability to think the right way

 round pity the world can’t see their inner being

To busy looking out beyond themselves.


The answer is on the tip of your tongue

It comes from within the real power

Is in you but you can’t see, one day?


I’m tired battling sentimentality

You can’t see negative capability.

Keats was tired too at the flaw

In happiness, on the day you  kick

Yourselves for wasting centuries

Wasting humanity.


Its all going down the drain

and you still say its biblical,

a man in a dress tells you what

to do, predators, Popes priests

princes presidents sexually

abuse your children.


It makes me sick and you call

This humanity, when will you

Stand up to these billionaire’s

Who think they are above

The law, Another Peasant revolt 

is overdue.

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