Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Monday, 14 June 2021
Christinity,Schopenhauer, Stoics.
There is no Hinterwelt: Beyond
heaven and materialism. There is
slave morality, afterlife.
One being cant philosophize
my suffering away, Day-
break; Nietzche will to power.
Don't command me your superstition,
no slave morality here,
there is no narrow door.
No me you, here there, this that.
Will to power, will live. Life
is a contradiction. Amor-fati.
Compassion to man and animal.
Art allows us out of hell, suffering.
'Imperfection is the language of art'.
Sunday, 13 June 2021
Woke up one-day disabled un-
able to walk, talk in a wheelchair.
Spent a year in hospital re-
covering from a stroke.
He watched nature while
the other patients watched T.V.
A butterfly flew through his mind
and poetically woke him up.
Before that his mind was gruel
he didn't have a clue. He wrote
mindful poetry that was blue
and true, words to make you cry
tears of sorrow, joy.
He nursed himself back to himself,
the nearest he could get, The stroke
left him half-paralyzed, flat on his back.
He lost his long-term memory, no child-
hood, three children, and a wife.
Life in a wheelchair is 2x2 but less
is more than more. These are words
of wonder, words that give me hope.
on adrianfox.org
Click on the video to hear my voice
Eleven years old, running along to meet
my best friend God, armed with a plastic
Mother of pearl missal. I climbed the steps
to the holy cross, behind me came the clack,
clack, clack of gunfire. I hid in bushes just
feet away. Three people lay dead at his feet,
he raised his rifle saying:
This is for god and Ulster.
Words can't convey just how I felt at that moment
l live with this image and it torments me. I looked
down at the missal up to great doors, threw it away
and ran home crying. I know this is mans doing but
I cant live in a world like that, this is blasphemous.
You call yourself Christian, you should be ashamed.
I have to keep writing it from my mind, each time
it gets clearer the further away, I hope. Like a thorn
in my side, even a massive stroke didn't bleed it out.
I live with such hatred and to think we are heading
that way again, please don't.
Raw war is over let humanity begin. This is why I write
pomes of peace, please don't get caught in this cycle.
There's nothing memorable coming from my being
more memorial, am I closer to death than life?
Let's face it. People don't like people to talk this way.
But I have to live it. You can bury your head
I cant, wish I could. I want to write of birds, bees
Bee humble and take it on the chin. Stand tall like
a Johnny Cash song, that's what my father told me.
Son be a good boy and hold your head high, Walk tall
I found out the hard way, my father never gave me shit.
What a joke I can't stand or walk.
He was a cold steel christ murderer. Is that what
you want of me, a christ-loving killer. Kill/christ
don't go hand in hand, stop this rhetoric, outdated.
Imagine summer without bonfire marching violence,
Barbeque sharing instead of hate-filled memories.
A clean slate, that's what I woke with, half a century
wiped off erased, all my writing since 2005, nonsense.
Where is this pome taking me, back to a grave-yard
sense and disability, back where I belong. Back to
the first real poem I ever wrote, Light on stones.
Boulders at your head, back to the start, unborn.