Writ this as an essay before my stroke, I must have
been a good tutor, no memories of those times.
I have amended it as a poem think it works better
wish I could write like that today?
“I think the artist, feels lonely.
Perhaps his recourse to art,
in any form, comes from his
essential loneliness.”
William Carlos Williams
You have got to give a poem something of your-
self and a little time and respect before you can
wear the poem like the scales of Elizabeth bishop's
fish or William Stafford's dark, to kick it over the edge
and listen to the wilderness, finding a way into
a poem so that it expresses a truth, finding
the poem essential loneliness.
I think it’s very respectful how the American
writers pay homage to their favourite writers
before they begin to read a word of their own.
We need to learn from that and give thanks
to the writers who inspired us. Poetry is like
the spokes of my wheelchairs spoken word
turning through life at a different
motion, language.
All words are dis-abled and need the care
to appear on the page but then it’s time to
share the poem. Too much emphasis for me
is put on plagiarism and I think we have
to learn to trust each other.
Poets aren't marched into a stanza like
a regimental troop, ok we pay homage
to the soldier war poets but we are also
breaking away from that regimental con-
formity that corals us into nice neat stanzas.
The road to poetry isn't along the road of war upon
war, we have got to break free of old regimes
and follow the beat poets or the poets of the day
into the new refreshing poems of tomorrow.
We are being cloned by the past, but we are moving
forward with a captive mind into what Chezslaw Milosz
called 'a more spacious form' only with men like him
are we free of old regimental way's that feed our poetry
and our education into a dog-eat-dog system.
Only with our darkness and negativity of the past can
we turn this muck into gold and break the shackles
of the past and step into the enlightened future that
awards people without the foot-stomping circus act.
We are not a pack of performing animals we are
a group of civilised people called humanity without
the brain-washed divides of war.
It's time to share things freely, honour and respect
don't come down to how much money you have
in your pocket. We have to live in a consumerist
society but don't let greed rule the day ok
we need a little to get by but it’s getting out of hand.
Only when you give, do get your poems back
in a new fresh-eyed perspective that takes
onboard the criticism and turns your writing
into a shared poem of trust.
Good honest writing will always find a way through
the bullshit metre we can see a lie a mile off.
Raymond Carver in the book 'fires' says no tricks.
We’ve got to be able to trust people and just like
giving and receiving a poem we've got to give
and receive trust with the magic of truth.
There are no tricks in writing you can read all the self-
help books you want and steal other writer's thunder
but that won’t make you into a writer, not until you stop
kidding yourself. There is only one truth and that's
your truth, write the poet's essential loneliness and that essential loneliness will come back and make you
less lonely.