Saturday, 17 July 2021
All sensation was torn from my mind but
I don’t care anymore. The stroke cleared
the dreadful childhood traumatic years I had.
I have been trying to remember a past that’s
dead and gone, I am still stuck in poet peace
mode, there but there erased,
I must change my tense. Become a second-
hand person trying to write what's right.
Stop time drifting away into a sci-fi state.
He couldn't even if he tried, no fiction just
the fact a Phantasia no mind's eye.
I was always a real sort of guy, my down is
up living in-side-out. The red, red, rose,
is in his heart frozen like a glass that wouldn't
break, petals would not shatter. The thorn
my will, will not penetrate the brain-stem
matters matter.
Wednesday, 14 July 2021
How many times, can I keep going round
and round editing what I edited yesterday.
I truly live in a roundabout city, it’s like vertigo.
I come from a no-go-area, for years and years,
I wrote and rewrote like an O.C.D. obsession as if
I knew this stroke would happen.
Prophetic poetry, there’s something to this
Don’t know what and don't want to know.
It's magic like me becoming a writer
accidentally on purpose.
For years and years like a fledgling writer
regurgitating these words of I-am-ness.
I felt compelled to put them down as if
I knew there was more to these words.
I was on death's door, my words
and the love of my children
pulled me back.
I dig deep into my locked-in self. A trilogy
of poets head-stoned beside me, Raymond
Carver, James Simmons, Patrick Kavanagh
to name but a few. Their intangible essence
seeped into me and the wonderful people
I met through poetry, through you I touched
Humanity, a street kid from North Belfast.
really doe’s rule ok,
mythology is made of stone
we are made of flesh.
Why can't we throw the stones away and live in peace.
Why do we hark back to the past.
When I get there, I forget to remember.
I flap my wings t along the way.and fall head-long into the under-
world like
Orpheus or Lazerous
A mythological figure, I roll the boulder
More like sysifus, I’m on a roll. We have
Almost drained the blood
from the stone. Mythos is just a stone’s throw
away from humanity. Peace.
How many times can I go around
and around editing what
I edited
yesterday. I truly live
in a roundabout-
city, it’s like
vertigo. I come from a no-
go-area, for year
and years I wrote
and rewrote like an
O.C.D. obsession
as if I knew this stroke
would happen.
Prophetic, there’s
something to this,
don’t want to know like
me becoming
a writer. Accidently
on purpose. Years
like a fledgling
writer regurgitating
moating words of I-am-ness.
I was on deaths door,
my words and the love
Of my children
pulled me back. I dig deep into
my locked-in self.
A trilogy of poets head-stoned beside me, Raymond
Carver, James Simmons, Patrick Kavanagh to name but a few.
Their intangible
essence seeped into me and the wonderful people friends I met along the way.
Humanity really doe’s
rule ok, mythology is made of stone, we are made of flesh. Why cant we throw
the stones away and live in peace, why do we hark back to the past. When I get
there, I forget to remember.
I flap my wings and fall
head-long into the underworld like Orpheus or Lazerous
A mythological figure,
I roll the boulder
More like sysifus,
I’m on a roll. We have
Almost drained the blood from the stone.
Mythos is just a
stone’s throw away from
humanity. Mould no
more death-masks.
Tuesday, 13 July 2021
Wrote this as a critique before my stroke, I must have been a pretty good tutor, no memories of those times. I have amended it as a poem think it works better wish I could write like this today?
Good honest writing will always find a way through
Monday, 12 July 2021
Were always in two minds doing this
feeling that.
Poetry for me is a left-
Right hemisphere
thing. My right
Brain is lived
in, things are beautiful-
bad. My leftw as damaged, No meta-
mumbo-jumbo in here.
It helps me to understand. I’ve always
Had an inner
substance my mother gave
me that, it’s
in us all if we just wake-
up and smell
the coffee of humanity.
The two minds ponder, find a pome’s
Wonder, by the balancing lakes.
Hell-cell ( black-hole poetry )
for Gerald Dawe
Today I was in agony with constipation
I writhed and writhed on the bed, literally
shit a brick my jailer/caregiver relieved me.
I love Schopenhauers pessimism but
I have owned and groaned my suffering
find hope in blackhole poetry. If it's not
a dead leg then its bedsores on my tailbone.
If it's not that its finding hope in a broken
the mind of memory loss, let's not get into that.
Thank you for sticking with me, I almost gave
Up twice that was before the name Aphantasia
Sunday, 11 July 2021
Light creep’s in the side of my
blackout curtain like shadowed
pages of a book, Accordion.
The sun affects my tender thin
Skin the road affects my de-
generative spinal cord dis-ease.
At least I’m good at one thing-
whinging pomes of para-
lyzed long-term memory loss.
Churning out feeling not
meaning stuff.
You're missing out on Schopenhauers
Pessimistic/optommism, Religon
held a genius back but he’s more
relevant today, no murder, greed
got in his way, the real blue true thing.
Living just isn't living anymore.
It affects my well being on thin-
skin almost translucent.
I hope you have a ball,
a Schopenhauer one.