Thursday, 30 December 2021


2021 ended with natural-
disasters, axe-mas was
a disaster sweet and sour 
chicken. New year, I didn't 
realize until half one
in the morning so thats it-
thank fuck the sentimental
slush is over for another year.

The year began meditating
metal machine music. The cry
of time strangled by climate
change like rock on an oil rig,

 No one cares.

Fifteen feet of pure white
snow and bushfire in Cal-
if-urn-ia, ice golf balls
in South Africa, landslides
all over floods, cremated earth
cop-26 sheds 
a single teardrop of shame
and carries on burning fossil
fuel, the music says it all.

wait until next year- 
will there be one?


Wednesday, 29 December 2021


There are storms all over 

the world doesn't matter who what where you are.

Driving the Dublin 

to Belfast route

 Driving the Dublin to Belfast route

with New Order on the radio. 

How should I feel today, blue 

It's Monday and I'm in love,

Pulled into the layby to hear new 

sound new order.

A beige mini on a lonely road, nothing

will ever be the same, punks dead

and gone.  What do I do now? 

should I stay or go? I shifted into

first hesitated unclutched, things

were beyond me.

Indicated left onto the slipstream.

Switched off the radio drove home

to IT records just off Union street

by the divide. Mechanics institute.

The division was in the head, non-

sense. I needled that void and played

it out, the black vinyl became blue.


                                                                                      SHA-DOW SWORD OF DAMN-                                ...