Friday, 26 November 2021
Monday, 22 November 2021
Watched Lou Read morph, a blue mask
On painter 6, death mask. One minute
Keats, Cash and Read again like detailed
Watercolour, impression illustration
Modern art painting, pen and ink drawing.
A water painting splashed before my eyes
Shimmering my no-minds eye. I can't
Explain how or why but was like Monets
Water lilies write there before my eye.
A water canvas of vegetation like
Blotches on my eyes, I was editing
a file of paintings found from 2004.
Was this part of the reason, was I
Looking at art to long. Who cares
What or why it was cool, I blinked
But it appeared again and again.
Was the pome trying to tell me some-
Thing, with the waters flow, was I going
against the tide only I will ever know.
Morphogenetic poetry. They say
the past catches up with us, this was my
birds eye view a pure unpolluted flow scene
through a blackbird scanning the surface,
vegetation above, fish below, a layered slice
of life. Why am i seeing this I have never seen
it before. Give me a reason for living, this figment
of imagination surpassing my aphantasia,
usually black behind my eye. This was more
that just a blotch. A vibration of my inner
self splashing a pond.