Saturday, 21 August 2021


( Hiyou not haiku)


Sleep no dreams, black screens

black behind my eye’s blackout  

drapes against sunlight.


Was I really that

little boy looking up to

British lying eyes




on purpose-form from

A form-less mind

Wednesday, 18 August 2021



The shadow of tree

on the vertical blind-

down is up you see.

The trees are bare-

winter is upon us again

Sentimental time.



                          Irish philosophy

            stroke down blues without sub-

                        stance, egoless ego.

 Woe be gone, woe b

tide, betide of woe 

begone inside.

Get off your high horse

of capitalism speak to

 me of humanity.

'finding yourself in a hole,at the bottom of a hole',in almost solitude, and discovering that only writing can save you.

Monday, 16 August 2021



 The world it's on fire, wait your turn on the funeral pyre

were all going up in smoke so take another toke and fly-

high don't try to be something you ain't,  we got no time

to waste so taste it feel me it's there on a silver-

platter. this is the rhythm before it becomes a beat

a blues beat that starts to tingle your feet this might 

sound cliche that's cause it is, you can't beat the way

Sweat rolls of your brow blackbird caw feathering blue

unfold your wings and dance, dance, dance, to true,

Let this beat get into your being, beat being down on 

vaccine children this is lives matter of the moment. 

The beat is a virus that transforms you. 

This is a rant by an Irish brit. 





walking along just kicking stones minding my own business

                               Steel pulse


Sparked by an updraught of memory-


Green-fields, red white and blue, so much 

animosity what we gonna do? We've had

war and Peach (Blair) its time to reach

beyond our divide. 



You're not black, your not white, try

a human being standing, begin. No

prod no taige no rasta- far-I. Far-I

was a lament, near-I is our intent.



The kingdom fell, let the kingdom

rise, uprise. We are closer than we

have ever been, grasp that peace.

This is an Irish/British pome. stand

up for your right to be.



 Seg-re-peace-gate no more, raw-

war is over let humanity begin.

I was in Belfast 69' London 77'

Let me remember my past with-

out racial religious tension.

Flags not at half-mast. 


So much animmosity what we gonna do?




Sunday, 15 August 2021


(Snobbery tripped up humanity) 


Why do I mantra humanity over 

And over in my mind like a circular  

behind my eyes. Watching Tala- 

Ban in Afghanistan, Covid 19  

Surge children being vaccinated. 

It helps me get to sleep, Climate- 

Change is on my mind alone but  

Feel so lucky, when I see refugee 

Children and we do nothing?

We are no longer human beings

Brutal humanity.  How can 

We sleep knowing them poor 

People starve to death, as I said 

(Snobbery tripped up humanity) 


                                                                                      SHA-DOW SWORD OF DAMN-                                ...