Friday, 9 June 2023



The fox has appeared in my poe-art

since I was a boy. At first I thought

Nothing 0f it just an animal symbol un

Til I checked how often it appeared.


A bodhran beat rhythm of Sionnach on

Animal-skin. Why can’t these pagan rites

Of passage be not the blood begets blood. 

No more sacrificial-cruici-fiction enough 

blood has been spilt.


The hot stink of fox flows down from

the thought fox into this naturally. We

are from two different worlds. We both

see the view of pig bloodletting


Blow your horn to summon the chase.

The fox is drove onto city street 

scavenging our fast food scraps.

This is a sham-manic state.


Drifted off thinking last line and woke up

in a vague haze of poetry.



                                                                                      SHA-DOW SWORD OF DAMN-                                ...