Thursday, 8 July 2021




Living- room is piled up high, My Lou

Reed boxset has go to take second best,

 Another delivery of P.P.E. will see me

unable to get into the living room.

A brown box room.

You couldn’t cat a swing

 In there. The blue mask 

sounds like a ship lost at sea

Lou is in my house

 makes everything perfect,

 boxed-in remastered

a gift from Lou to me, my house 

our house.

        The spirit of pure poetry.



Don’t know what it is?

                           Van Morrison


Catholic/protestant, miracles

Are absurd non-sense. There

Is no god, were on ockames

Razorblade, universal

Principle, blind faith.


Oscar Wilde had to get a degree

In theology, he thought this

a joke, hilarious laughter. Get

rid of bad kings and parliaments.

Were children of the enlightenment

God still rules ok, inhumanity.


What is the scientific revolution?

Hume, Locke, a revolution with-

Out bloodshed. The white/black

Swan, we can't see into shadows

Of wonder. Religion closed

The drapes on us, money murder

And god is a god-given right.


The earth goes around the sun.

Science doesn't care if you close

the drapes, who is this guy 

jesus the wrong eyed jesus.

Religiosity never backed-up

climate change, deniers.





I don't have a mind that’s capable

of lying, its damaged. The more

I thought, I realised my care-givers

Left me in the chair for over three

Hours, knowing my skin was so thin

my body could only tolerate

two hours.


The bedsores broke on my rear end like 

the skin was torn from my flesh but 

I’m now on my side on tramadol again.

I thought I kicked that habit but here 

I am again taking twenty tablets a day 

that’s not including, joy rides.


Joy rides what a joke, you cant beat 

the truth but it is surely beating me. 

After over three hours I was in agony.


All this for a doctors appointment

I hope it was worth it. Nurses change

my wounds three times a week 

my care come four times a day 

lying on my side in this shell-cell limbo,

my wounds are throbbing.









                                                                                      SHA-DOW SWORD OF DAMN-                                ...