Sunday, 9 January 2022

‘I’m not down here for your money

not down here for your rotten soul’.

                                                  Nick Cave


Mint condition: Two bob bits and half crowns

I stole the bastard’s coins for fags. My sister

Named me regal head I was so addicted.

I never hurt no one but me, there’s things

You don’t do, that cunt broke my mothers

Innocent beauty and abused my sister/brother.


I have no regrets I fleeced the cunt who thought

More of coins than human lives. While the fucker

Slept I took the key of the money box and stole

A fiver or a tenner every week, I dropped it every

Saturday, I knew my mates knew, I didn’t give

a fuck I was like my mother, humane.


When he found out he beat me, I laughed

in his face,  put me to bed for three days but

I climbed in and out the window. Mum knew

said nothing. He was treasurer of Hib’s

Social snooker club. I am only remembering

This now so I got the mint condition.


I stole his coin collection, we never spoke

He never gave me pocket money, handed

My brother money each week and looked

Into my eyes so I fleeced the fucker blind.


He was a panel beater I.R.A. hardman but

I panel beat the bastard and ran away

To my aunt Peggy in London. The coins

are on his eyes, I would do it all again.

I knew there was something wrong

in his being I had a gut reaction, poor mum.

I know he was a bastard child but

He should have known better, pity’s

not in it. I gambled all his money on

pitch and toss, inhaling.



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