Saturday, 11 March 2023
Wednesday, 8 March 2023
Monday, 6 March 2023
He left me for eight hours a day without a pick. I shared dog food
with Mutttley my friend killed on Blaney road.
That was life in a cottage full of gunrunning across the border.
One day he asked me to prime bomb, I looked him up and down
days later, Narrow water exploded. Haystacks were my British soldiers
to me I was on a war game mission, on the run like him, the jack of a car
Was my toy gun. I don’t know where these memories are coming from.
I keep trying to run from these images but they are etched in my mind.
These words are like a full metal jacket reloading the jack of a car, spent-
Shell syllables litter-ra-ture my waste ground. The girl in picture is dead,
now suicide Stephanie my sister. The lady in red, I heard on a black n white
TV that picked up police messages. I heard on an A.P.B. an all-points bulletin
that she was carrying the Armalite that killed the British soldier, maybe she
couldn't live with herself, we will never know. My mind is steeped in this
imagery and I can't get away, I have to reload, bullet-ridden syllables, writ
and splutter out of me.