Schopehauer, Neitzsche,
Camus, Cioran and Alan
Watts poets of philosophy, a pessimistic view
Of wonder. Religion censored their view even
Greek mythology
and the Stoics telling us about
Keats and Shakespeare negative capability. The
internet has blown
away the bullshit of religion
And negative capability is the true sense of
Darkness within darkness has given me
A sense of belonging a realisation of hope within
loss all
those crusades and barbarism in the name
Of religion were futile. At long last have we come
to the
truth of humanity all we need now is for
All you traditional numskulls realise that we can
only get
peace by giving peace, stop this macho
revenge avenge in you a sense of humanity. We are
not out of
the dark woods yet, these so called
Men of the cloth are evildoers its up to us to show
that there is another way through dialogue.
I have been on seminars with people like Desmond
Michael Stone, the brighton bomber through
anne Gallaghers seeds of hope, created a C.D. with
my friend Rodney Cordner
called violets anagram
of lost lives a tribute to that great book that pays
homage to the people
who paid the price for the
peace we have today catholics, potestants,
police,army all in one
book together. I have been
privileged to be around people like the sands
family and friends, I really
have the honour to be
around that aroma of peace, we cant let this peace
slid away like molten
lava and evolve aother black
hill of hatred. At the start of this peace on peace I
was askig myself
what right have I, a street kid
With a basic education but then I realised that
peace gives me
every right to write this.
Please please please don’t let it slip away. In 2005
I took
a stroke that almost killed me, iknow
I don’t have the mind capacity to teach creative
writing as
I have lost my long term memory but
You can remind me in a short term. Through this
blog that
acts as a minds eye as I suffer from
Aphantasia, the stroke has left me paralyzed down
one side
of my body ill never walk I know
All forty five years of memory are locked within
my only way
to live is to live in me,my only way
To find substance is in mei just hope that all this is
I know it happened but I don’t have any
Hologram projection, I have no way of knowing.
My life is
hear say. I know I keep repeating this
Over and over for years but this is all I have im
stuck to
the momet of peace, I want to move but
I cant its like a brick wall you cant get over uder or
around, I hope one day to sledge my way through
Until then I will mumble my way. For years I have
writ the
same theme in a different format. Death
Is the only answer when will you righteous people
understand that life goes on in death,
memory is reincarnation we cat move on until
euthanasia is a
common practise please let me die
with dignity and not to wake again crying in A & E
please stop this. We have known through
aincient Indian hindiu sculptor the scientific way
religion has blocked our human intelligence
its as if we have been labotomised even the south
American Indians
knew of the old ways long
before religion uncivilised them. Plant life has
been known
as remedies long before science was
scorned upon but it was the way, religion has a lot
answer for, the philosopher poets knew
open the migration routes the global world belongs
to every
one, trust. Get off your high horse
of capitalism, why cant death be a positive force.
Theres only so many times i can do this, i have
done this for twenty years please dont turn me
out in a bitter frustrated vein let me die in