Thursday, 24 June 2021
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
these few pieces were writ before stroke to show how my words have changed
‘yet why not say what happened’
Robert Lowell
John looked from the kitchen window, the sink he stood by was like the interior of a
Well-worn teapot or the inside of his lungs sucking on yet another cigarette.
The street light threw a subtle pastel glow on the still housing estate, the red rusted
Volkswagen beetle stood like a monument to his life, ‘I’ll have to get
stuck in and fix that car tomorrow’. He dropped a sleeping pill and rinsed it down
with a cold swig of tea and ‘I’ll have to clean this place’ he told himself
climbing the stairs. He dreamed the usual sixty-year-old dream of young ladies
running naked through summer meadows. When he woke it was those abstract
images of memory that disturbed him and lingered like a blunt saw through his aching
heart. It’s a suffering fucking hell he said, throwing cold water over his face
as if extinguishing the image in the mirror and the reality of his bald head and pointed
features. The stench of his loss lingered with every step he took down those steps
where once walked the wife and mother of his dreams. He could almost see her
walking down those stairs to meet the day with that Irish strength that pushed the sore
reality to the ground.
He ejected the stale teabags from the teapot he thought I have to go, doctors, today
and get that disability living allowance form filled in and get a mobility allowance
and have a new car instead of that almost unrepairable rusted old banger.
He remembered how the car looked in the nights subtle pastel glow, and
said god you’re a bastard you and your cold light of morning.
He sat in the doctors waiting room trying to remember good times like his firstborn or
his wedding day but this annoying ugly kid kept shoving leaflets in his face about cancer
of the bollox and depression. Just as he was about to smack the kid up the head
he heard the broken English voice of the Pakistani doctor call his name on the tannoy like
a conductor on a bus. As the doctor filled in a section of the Disability living
allowance form and wrote some prescriptions for depression angina headaches
and the general feeling that life is a sick load of balls. John was calling him a black
bastard in his mind because he asked him to exaggerate his findings and received instead
a lecture on the ethics of medicine. John was a bigot he didn’t know how to be
anything else, he hated blacks, Pakis, Chinese as well as all those beautiful
women he could not have and especially that bitch that left him after thirty-one years
and six children. He walked home through the maze of housing estates with his bag
of pills for every ill but the aching black hole in his heart. Going past the derelict
houses full of graffiti he remembered the night the policeman called.
The shadow of the black cap was cast off and fell through the hall like the black cloud of
Depression, ‘your daughters have been searching for you’ screeched, crashing with a
families’ laughter. Those words rang through his mind like the word bastard the winds
of a harsh winter reminding him that life can be a cold son of a bitch. He passed the
old decrepit beetle without an engine without much hope of ever pumping fluid
through its rotten pipes. He opened the front door and half expected his wife to pass
him and his children playing music and busying around the house, instead, he was met
by the grey stench of loneliness. He stood by the sink steadying himself as those
words pounded through his head he washed down paracetamol and an anti-depressant.
His head pounded filled with anxiety he staggered into the living room and threw
himself on the sofa putting his feet up on the coffee table between the carburettor.
And the innards of a TV he was trying to fix. He then stood up over the hearth and
placed a little blue tablet below his tongue and his heart rate began to fall and he was
able to catch his breath and relax. He climbed the stairs and threw himself on the
single bed this is my bed I must lie in it he told himself and looked through the ceiling
through the grey sky through the galaxy of stars burning in the darkness of his sight
crumpled up into a little boy. I’m a loser he told himself remembering but not remembering
an infant left in a basket by a blood-red door, doing time in Crumlin Road jail, the longest detainee in
Ireland, those nine months were hell, a single droplet of salted tear fell from his hardened Belfast
exterior he brushed it aside like the murdering bullet from an Armalite rifle, no point crying
over spilt milk, he lay there and cried himself to sleep. He woke with the
hope of a thirty-year-old man he debt, he bounded out of bed to tackle the unbeatable
day, ‘you can’t beat a good cry, he told himself throwing water about his worn
features. He brushed the hair from the nape of his neck to cover his bald patch and
brought it to a point on his forehead. He sang walking down the stairs a song he sang
to his children when they cried, ‘you don’t have to be a baaa aaby to cry’.
Opening a cupboard in the hall he dragged a filthy pair of overalls from a pile of
clothes on the floor and stepped into them tucked his hair into a tweed cap and lifted
the toolbox. The morning was a little cool but the sun was coming up strong above
the grey housing estate, ‘this is going to be a good day, he thought sucking in the
almost fresh air. Opening the passenger door of the car creaking like a great sigh
reaching in he delved between unsecured seating busted wings and an exhaust
hauling a jack from the debris. He took the cross-shaped wheel brace and placed it on
one of the four nuts, before taking hold he stooped and spat on his hands taking hold
he gripped the brace and turned with all his might and tried to budge the nut as if it
was his last task on earth? He cursed the car and gave it everything he had, all a sixty
year-old worn heart could muster. A heart like a prune without syrup dried and left in
the searing desert of hurt too long,’ ya red bastard, ya German fucker, ya useless heap
of shit, he mumbled as the sweat broke on his brow. He rested awhile leaning
against his dream and took a cigarette from his top pocket lit and sucked, he licked the
beads of sweat that fell across his lips he ran his tongue across his lips once more they
were cold and grey he licked once more unsure and tasted death.
On the morning of his funeral, a letter drifted through the letterbox, one of his pal-
bearing four sons opened it and it read, we are pleased to inform you that you have
been awarded Motability.
Raymond Carver has sunk in sleep...All things beside
Are sleeping too: The brass swan paperweight sleeps
On Hebrew translations, Butts in the ashtray sleep with
Ash, Chekhov, the lapdog and the wicker chair sleep
In the intricate weave of willow-like the exiled words of
Joseph Brodsky. Tess sleeps in a bed of hummingbirds
The photographs and the pins that hold them sleep in
The cork they penetrate. His unpublished words sleep
Piled high in the bunks of America. Belfast and Sligo
Sleep even the doctor sleeps in a handshake of blue
Sea and sails.
Living without stimulation
hell-cell abomination, urge
has no drive, how can you
explain Aphantasia: No-
thing behind my eyes,
Darkness within dark-
ness. Even my taste
buds have left me like
my long-term memory.
It's hard to put this in-
to words when you
can't even get a hard-
on, life is beyond me.
Camping out in my
tent but this is no
holiday, the wheel-
chair is my sense of
freedom that i cant
sit-in. How can one
explain this to an
able-bodied person
when I can't even
under - stand
My - self.
Monday, 21 June 2021
JUMP-SHIP (civil rights for civil wrongs)
It is funny how a friend bought me a copy of the book
'anam cara which means ‘soul friend in Irish.
I just wrote ‘Chinese opera’ which tries to capture
the same essence of light and dark.
The buddha, the easel, the TV on stand by
And the shapes drifting across my ceiling.
I give them a voice from the beauty that I’ve seen.
They shimmer and move casting shadows, on my
very own Chinese opera.
The light of the moon and this mobile -
Phone is the only illumination
For my backdrop, even the itch on my neck
Creates a movement of life.
The pictures on my wall are the frame by
Frame animation, the flashing light of my
Zip drive is the dance of a beautiful woman.
Waiting for the dawn to rise and cover my
theatre in a blanket of light.
Maybe we're on the same journey, I know my journey,
is to paint with words and images of my inner landscape.
I think I'm flowing in the river of positive simplicity,
touching on the same banks towards the sea that opens
in brilliance. No longer part of the rat race.
I remember working on an assembly line
and the supervisor looking over my shoulder,
I thought, felt ‘used’ is the right word for it,
I'm putting together this vending machine,
and someone else is reaping the profits
for that moment of thought, I felt like nothing.
I've never liked the workplace, not because I'm lazy
I just don’t think its right that you do the work
for a pittance wage and someone else gets the profit.
Ive always been an advocate for fair-play civil rights
for civil wrongs justice and the underdog.
I think we're caught in the circle of consumerism
going round and round in the vertigo of hypnotism
Caught in the cycle of capitalism. Ok they give you
a few bobs every week to go on holiday or go down
the pub but you're worth more than that.
Tell the supervisor to tell the managing director to tell
the director to tell the owner that you're not taking it any-
more.`Your not a sheep that follows the flock in his queue
to the clock-in machine. Don’t forget if you get £300
a week you're worth twice that.
If your job description states, you get 400 hundred a week.
Then you're worth double that. Ok, his profits go down,
but he's the gambler, not you. He's willing to stake his claim,
the economy needs to get out of this consumerist cycle, and take a
spin on the crossbar of simplicity.
People haven’t got time to be themselves, were becoming
yet another American state fuelled by greed no wonder
the therapists are on the big money. Society is screaming
for help and the politicians get his backhander and a little pat
on the back because our economy is thriving, on what this
Let's jump ship while we can before it's too late.
It seems we're on the rails to no-where heading
towards the landslides of derailment. Its time
we found that reverse gear before its too late,
think of the next generation. We are not here
for long enough to leave them our worldly goods
so lets give them something that costs nothing,
the path of simplicity.
Let's forget about this road of capitalism who
wins not you because we live in such a negative
society, the lottery is the poor man's tax reaping
the rewards, sucking you dry.
Lets get back on track towards respect. Respect
for the earth the land and the sea respect others
opinions agree to disagree respect your neighbours
and don’t get caught in tribalism and tear down
the barricades of hate. Someone once said
never hate your enemy it clouds your judgement.
We desperately are in need of a new gentle light,
the soul can shelter and reveal its ancient belongings.
Meaning his spiritual wisdom from the Celtic world.
Harness it and ride bareback through the fields,
and gallop through nature in all its beauty.
Two years ago I took a stroke all I could move
was my eyes, I had a thing called locked- in-
syndrome I knew what was being said but
I couldn’t communicate. This feels like
my second time around so im not taking it
for granted, I know how quickly things can change.
One minute I was reading a book the next
I was on the floor, then in intensive care.
I was in the hospital for a year and now I'm in a wheel-
chair. I don’t care if it changes in the next five minutes,
all I know is I'm gonna make this world better for my kids.
Have respect for those you look down on, don’t forget
Any minute now something will happen.
sorry grammar all messed up, thought all sorted.
A priest gets a house a maid a car, a disabled
man who worked all his life is given a wheel-
chair and pittance told to shoo from society.
Rizal - Wikipedia, ang malayang ensiklopedya
‘Whoever does not sometimes give full consent, and a joyous consent, to the dreadfulness of life, can never possess the utterable richness and power of existence’.
Rainer Maria Rilke
It’s as if Rainer Maria Rilke and John Keats were alive in these hard times of economic gloom, spinning their web of negative capability. Holding us in a protective balm against the silly sentimental manufactured culture and our greed of consumerism in a throw-away nonsense society. These men of true conviction are chiseling truth on waves of beautiful headstones rising from the earth, giving us a dark truth of today that will become the podcasts and blogs of tomorrow. These are the days when we must face the ‘waking dream’ and wake to the world of human frailty and stop hiding behind the hem of Christianity.
I am not out to offend or blaspheme anyone because I know we all need spirituality and a godlike existence but I am enraged at the church and its hypocrisy let’s fill the cathedrals with music art and poetry. There is something flawed about worshipping a man in a dress floating have around in mobile when there are people struggling to get the mobility of a wheelchair and access to get them to the street corner. had our fill of golden treasures there is something flawed about worshipping a man in a dress floating
Let’s bail out Christianity and save it any more sex scandals or holy war embarrassment’s, going against the grain of society, we can’t have the spirituality of today clashing with the spirituality of humanity tomorrow. I apologize if anyone is offended by these comments but as Tom Waits said in a song ‘get down of the cross’, we need the wood to build an infrastructure that creates a path of access that helps people, were not building them and us judgmental society in a dog eat dog world.
‘It is a flaw in happiness, to see beyond our bourn-it forces us in
summer skies to mourn, it spoils the singing of the
John Keats
In 2005 I took a stroke that almost killed me, I spent a year in
hospital on my back waiting for someone’s help after my
exhausting days in rehab therapy. I met a very caring girl on the
internet, after months of yahoo-ing by computer I decided to go to
the Philippines and meet her, and after speaking to my son I
decided to find a little happiness after that rough year of waking
from a stroke/coma on the brink of death, good food and the
the warmth of a good caring woman was just the ticket I needed.
Playing the journey back and forward in my head arranging my
friend to take me to the airport and my girl to pick me
up on the other side, I went for it. I lived with my girl and her
family and embraced their Philippine lifestyle so
different from ours,
I never felt there was a difference in language or skin tone after a time I felt they were
family. I loved their caring attitude and even embraced their Christian way.
Every day I had a massage and walked in between two bamboo poles on the balcony. I
loved their caring attitude so much I decided to stay and get married.
They took me to fort Santiago where Jose Rizal was imprisoned and shot by firing squad
and also to traditional cabins by the seaside and under a trained therapist’s
care, I was buried waist-deep in therapeutical sands.
After those days of near-death experience, it felt like I was in
heaven, I took potions and herbal remedies, I swam in natural
springs thinking one day I would walk, I even tried to embrace
their Christian ways, any light at the end of any tunnel was a good
light. One day we went to a beautiful cathedral, on the way in I
noticed it was decorated by colorful stations of the cross and
biblical scenes, I noticed every statue was covered by glass cages
like a gaming machine and you had to put money in to light a
the candle that dropped like a jackpot, I couldn’t help think
that the church had some sort of monopoly on suffering
And we were paying for the right to grieve. The mass began and I
sat there beside my future wife and I asked what was
happening, the huge doors were closed and the poor people and
beggars were locked outside, shouldn’t it be the other way around I thought,
shouldn’t all the well-dressed people be out
and the poor people in, I began to feel that
hypocrisy rise in me, that the church had got it all back to front.
Wasn’t the church formed to help needy people, I felt violated and
exploited, I wanted to go up in my wheelchair and
tare the robes from the upper-class priest and throw the challis's
out the door but I sat through the charade. The doors were opened
again after communion, I asked the girl and all her family
For their change thinking
I would put on the collection but I asked to leave and was pushed out among the beggars
and thieves homeless and limbless people. I took all the money I had notes and all and
threw it into the air and went home disgusted never again to set foot in these hypocritical
temples.I told my girl I would never be part of organized religions back to
frontness, my marriage has now been annulled because British immigration said she
couldn’t come here to look after me because I am disabled and can’t work to
support the manageress of a company.
All my life I have had to live under this hypocrisy that has raped
and pillaged this land, I have since been told that I’ll
never walk or talk properly and the paralyzed side of my body has
got no better, I might only have one hand but I’ve
got my poems and essays and paintings of spiritual energy and I
feel alive, do you?
BACK TO FRONT ( Jose Rizal the great)
José Rizal - Wikipedia, ang malayang ensiklopedya
‘Whoever does not sometimes give full consent, and a joyous
consent, to the dreadfulness of life, can never possess the utterable
richness and power of existence’.
Rainer Maria Rilke
It’s as if Rainer Maria Rilke and John Keats were alive in
these hard times of economic gloom, spinning their web of
negative capability. Holding us in a protective balm against the
silly- sentimental manufactured culture and our greed for
consumerism, throw-away nonsense society.
These men of true conviction are chiseling truth on waves of
beautiful headstones rising from the earth, giving us a dark truth
of today that will become the podcasts and blogs of tomorrow.
These are the days when we must face the ‘waking dream
and wake to the world of human frailty and stop
hiding behind the hypocrite hem of Christianity.
I am not out to offend or blaspheme anyone because I know we all
need spirituality and a godlike existence but I am enraged at the
church and its hypocrisy, let’s fill the cathedrals with music art and
poetry, we have had enough of people struggling to get the mobility
of a wheelchair and access to get them to the street corner. We
have had our fill of golden treasures of paranoia and hate there is
something flawed about worshipping a man in a dress floating
around in a glass mobile when disabled people cant get wheel-
chair access.
Let's bail out Christianity and save it any more sex scandals or holy
war embarrassment’s, going against the grain of society, we can’t
have the spirituality of today clashing with the spirituality of
humanity tomorrow. I apologize if anyone is offended by these
comments but as Tom Waits said in a song ‘get down of the cross’,
we need the wood to build an infrastructure that creates a path of
access that helps people, were not building them and us
judgmental society in a dog-eat-dog world.
‘It is a flaw in happiness, to see beyond our bourn-it forces us in
summer skies to mourn, it spoils the singing of the
John Keats
In 2005 I took a stroke that almost killed me, I spent a year in
hospital on my back waiting for someone’s help after my
exhausting days in rehab therapy. I met a very caring girl on the
internet, after months of yahoo-ing by computer I decided to go to
the Philippines and meet her, and after speaking to my son I
decided to find a little happiness after that rough year of waking
from a stroke/coma on the brink of death, good food and the
the warmth of a good caring woman was just the ticket jour thee journey back and forward in my head arranging a friend to take
me to the airport and my girlfriend
to pick me up on the other side, I went for it.
tyle so different from ours, I never felt there was a difference in language or skin tone after a time I felt they were family. I loved their caring attitude and even embraced their Christian way.
Every day l walked between two bamboo poles on the balcony.
I loved their caring attitude so much I decided to stay and get
married. They took me to Fort Santiago where Jose Rizal was
imprisoned and shot by firing squad and also to traditional cabins
by the seaside and under a trained therapist’s care I was buried
waist-deep in therapeutical sands.
After those days of near-death experience, it felt like I was in
heaven, I took potions and herbal remedies, I swam in natural
springs thinking one day I would walk, I even tried to embrace
their Christian ways, any light at the end of any tunnel was a good
light. One day we went to a beautiful cathedral, on the way in I
noticed it was decorated by colorful stations of the cross and
biblical scenes, I noticed every statue was covered by glass cages
like a gaming machine and you had to put money in to light a
a candle that dropped like a jackpot, I couldn’t help thinking
that the church had some sort of monopoly on suffering
And we were paying for the right to grieve.
The mass began and I sat there beside my future wife and I asked
what was happening, the huge doors were closed and the poor
people and beggars were locked outside, shouldn’t it be the other
way around I thought, shouldn’t all the well-dressed people be out
and the poor people in, I began to feel that hypocrisy rise in me,
that the church had got it all back to front.
Wasn’t the church formed to help needy people, I felt violated and
exploited, I wanted to go up in my wheelchair and
tare the robes from the upper-class priest and throw the challis's
out the door but I sat through the charade. The doors were opened
again after communion, I asked the girl and all her family
For their change thinking, I would put on the collection but I asked t
to leave and was pushed out among the beggars and thieves
homeless and limbless people. I took all the money I had
notes and all and threw it into the air and went home
disgusted never again to set foot in these hypocritical temples.
I Told my girl I would never be part of organized religions back to
frontness, my marriage has now been annulled
because British immigration said she couldn’t come here to look
after me because I am disabled and can’t work to
support the manageress of a company.
All my life I have had to live under this hypocrisy that has raped
and pillaged this land, I have since been told that I’ll
never walk or talk properly and the paralyzed side of my body has
got no better, I might only have one hand but I’ve got my poems
and essays and paintings of spiritual energy
and I feel alive, do you?
Sunday, 20 June 2021
How can the world know?
This swoon of life/death.
Even the people who care
Don’t understand. How
Can you step outside your-
Self and let the world see.
Imprisoned in beauty but
Not finding beauty in me.
Searching for the right word
In words and art, the lonely
Streetlight shines on me.
The air I breathe is tainted.
The sentiment of love is deep
Deep within my heart, lost in
Here out at sea. All I can do
Is write and write this out of me.
If poetry is felt by the senses
Then what’s the sense in me.
My truth is inside my beauty
I must go round and round
Within my living and hope
That I hold that thing
Called love in me.