Friday, 2 June 2023


For Shawn


Morphogenetic poetry forms in a formless mind,

 morphic resonance. Life remembers life, nature's

 memory. On the rugged north head of Kerry. I tried

 to grasp the rock face, but the unpredictable waves swept me into a whirlpool.


Down and down, it sucked me under. Being

a Piscen I have a strange love of water. 

stopped struggling and got lost in the mighty


Just when I gave up, it threw me back up 

to cling onto the shore like birth itself.


It took me like the tornado's vortex, lost

in its flow state. The Earth's gravitational pull


Threw me out to live another day, the brutal 

tender touch. Keat's words held in the magic- 

hand of chance, not mine. This occurred thirty years ago; I threw it up to roll off my tongue like that wave yesterday.


My friend Shawn listens to me go off on

a tangent, and this stream flowed. Shows

How much I have recovered through

writing my blog with thousands of pictures

To flick my memory of hopeless hope.


The way this pome moves memory is like

In a morphic resonance, the body must hold

Muscle memory to throw this up. It must be

like an effortless effort, the backward law.


You can't beat the truth, sayer; my broken

mind can't lie. There is no past or present

tense, just now and now. It is on my memory

blog, on the right hemisphere. I don't get images

, but I know Foxyoxy was there.



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