Saturday, 3 June 2023

        I wrote this listening to your talk on morphic resonance.


For Rupert


Morphic resonance rolls off my tongue.

I saw the words water falling from

Form canals of the write hemisphere.


I cant conjure up images, no minds eye.

The stroke brain injury created aphan-

Tasia, black behind my eyes. Memories

from thirty years ago wave and weave

of my tongue like it were yesterday.

I remember moment us pomements.


 In my broken mind there is no past/present

Tense living in now and now, A Fox thought.

A Fox looking at a fox by a fox, memory

Comes from muscle memory life remembers

Life repetitive repeats, my morphic field.


Fernando Pessoa wrote in the book dream

of being alive, Its not necessary just to live

but to feel. I feel pomes without memory

a past or present emotional engineering.

I might be disabled but feel aphantasic.

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