Saturday, 3 June 2023


Between Etna wasteland and Jamaica street

I looked on listening to police messages. An

A.P.B. went out for the lady in red, carrying

An arm-elite rifle that killed a man. My dad

Told me to burn the coat my sister's pride

And joy. This was the early 70’s so you do

What you were told, sitting by the dormer

Window I don’t know what I felt, now. What

A wasteland, trying to remember something

Without emotional engineering. My dad/sister

are dead now, he's up on the ulcerated ulster hills.

She is laying low in lylo, this is my all-points bullet-

In, all for the plot of land 6x3. We can't even find his

 Plot, did they die for Ulster? Religion what a waste

all in gods name. I hope this signal reaches you. Not

green or orange but pure peace, who will listen to

pagan poetry. There is only a one-way street, you can't

get it down without crying.



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