Sunday, 13 June 2021



Click on the video to hear my voice

Eleven years old, running along to meet

my best friend God, armed with a plastic

Mother of pearl missal. I climbed the steps 

to the holy cross, behind me came the clack, 

clack, clack of gunfire. I hid in bushes just 

feet away. Three people lay dead at his feet, 

he raised his rifle saying: 

 This is for god and Ulster.

Words can't convey just how I felt at that moment

l live with this image and it torments me. I looked

down at the missal up to great doors, threw it away

and ran home crying. I know this is mans doing but

I cant live in a world like that, this is blasphemous.

You call yourself Christian, you should be ashamed.

I have to keep writing it from my mind, each time

it gets clearer the further away, I hope. Like a thorn 

in my side, even a massive stroke didn't bleed it out. 

I live with such hatred and to think we are heading 

that way again, please don't. 

Raw war is over let humanity begin. This is why I write 

pomes of peace, please don't get caught in this cycle.

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