Sunday, 13 June 2021


Woke up one-day disabled un-

able to walk, talk in a wheelchair.

Spent a year in hospital re-

covering from a stroke. 

He watched nature while 

the other patients watched T.V.

A butterfly flew through his mind

and poetically woke him up.

Before that his mind was gruel

he didn't have a clue. He wrote

mindful poetry that was blue

and true, words to make you cry

tears of sorrow, joy.

He nursed himself back to himself,

the nearest he could get, The stroke

left him half-paralyzed, flat on his back.

He lost his long-term memory, no child-

hood, three children, and a wife.

Life in a wheelchair is 2x2 but less

is more than more. These are words

of wonder, words that give me hope.

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