Sunday, 5 September 2021





Neuroscience states that the right brain

Is monkey Ville but I am far from

monkey man.


Let me start by saying I am not a scientist

Just a mere poet who is intrigued.

In the last few year’s I have been gripped

By Ian Mc Gilchrist’s awareness, his divided

Brain theory.


I took a massive stroke in 2005, my left brain

Was erased so, I live on the right side and its

Far from monkey Ville, how can you explain how

I can understand the divided brain.


I have been writing for years on my sense

That Raymond Carver and Patrick Kavanagh

Have been here with me in the realm of possibility.

Me becoming a poet accidentally on purpose.


Both these poets and others have been trans-

Mitting waves of humanity. I believe that D.N.A.

Is sent to strands of D.N.A. via waves of crypt-

To-chrome like microwave signals from a phone



Ian Mc Gilchrist is probably the only person alive

That will know what I am talking about. I think

The lumps at back and front of the brain are 

transmitting humanity.


This might even be the answer to consciousness

The reason why we sense another being-being

There, waves of humanity are linking humans.


Is this plausible? if you go to cryptochrome

on YouTube and see how one strand of D.N.A.

Communicates with another, a signal of humanity.


My life and my poems have been about seeking

Feeling not meaning, we have been searching

For metre rhyme and meaning but the Portuguese

Poet Fernando Pessoa said ‘it is not necessary just

to live but to feel’.

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