Thursday, 9 September 2021


Feeling not meaning.


A simple tree branches an active

imagination. I feel like someone

from the 12th century bare, raped,

pillaged twisted and torn.


The computer is my insulted quill,

a blackbird visits me and two

Magpies touch and touch me

above the mini daffodils.


Is rhyme what I’m searching for?

I don’t think so. Before Basho

there was no Basho, beyond poetry

words have an inner rhyme. I seek

feeling not meaning.


Translated into my world, it’s as if he’s here saying if your verse has one or two more or less sounds you need not to worry, give them crucial scrutiny, make the sound syllable true.


Butterfly Flutter
nature opens up and drifts
like time itself

Strong coffee, pipe-
Tobacco and Tao Te Ching
you can’t beat the way.              

Get off your high horse

of capitalism, speak

to me of humanity

I killed a wasp in 
the bathroom with seamus heaneys
electric light

you can’t bureat the way.              

Matsuo Basho

             The master of mind

                              And disability

Genuine Touch

I killed a wasp in the bath-

Room with Seamus Heaney’s’

Electric Light.

The sound of yellow

And black squelching

Against the windowpane

And the soft-back cover

Like a sudden charge

Of blue.

The Dream

Snippets of silken shadow.

The dream it seems I've been

having all my life flickers

in the light of day.

A catalyst without ink to stain

undulating through silk screen

frames, images appear.

White on white, in sleep it was

a bomb-blast of colour, all that

remains is shadow, words

I stored for this poem

lie fragmented

on the page.

Genuine Touch

I killed a wasp in the bath-

Room with Seamus Heaney’s’

Electric Light.

The sound of yellow

And black squelching

Against the windowpane

And the soft-back cover

Like a sudden charge

Of blue.

The Dream

Snippets of silken shadow.

The dream it seems I've been

having all my life flickers

in the light of day.

A catalyst without ink to stain

undulating through silk screen

frames, images appear.

White on white, in sleep it was

a bomb-blast of colour, all that

remains is shadow, words

I stored for this poem 

lie fragmented

on the page.
Poetry helps me
to survive my poverty
good for the soul



Surrounded by dis-

Ability, hand rails, piss

Pots and wheelchairs

A butterfly flutters

By out of beauty

On stroke ward.

A crow caws black

Through the trees

On a moon-shine day.

A sunshine day-

By myself, spooning

Porridge gruel.


A life in almost Haiku


Behind the blue dis-

abled door that opens automatic

to let in care –

my mother gave me

something to get something


my dad played cards

to pass away the long day

heart attack blues

The girl from housing

called and said: you shouldn’t

be living like this

Past went up in smoke.

From the kitchen to computer

that’s my day, writing

moment us pomes like

this today. Compelled to write

Black-hole pomes.

His memory began

in two thousand and five-

When he woke from stroke

Coma, paralyzed down

right side with no speech. He spent

a year in a re-hab

hospital learning

to be himself again-

A year of trying

to dress himself and make a cup of tea.

         Butterfly Flutter
nature opens up and drifts
like time itself

Strong coffee, pipe-
Tobacco and  Tao Te Ching
you can’t beat the way.

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