Saturday, 7 August 2021



Train tracks go through balancing lakes 

over the underground, green like I had 

never seen. A new city reservation, 

are you working was the banter in

a dole hoppers paradise. 

I litter picked poetry of the street 

and became a poet of peace, feel 

so proud to give people hope, 

go beyond my creative writing class. 


Published poets and poetry  

Slammers that teach a creative 

Class, rared three sons to stand 

On their own two feet, grand- 


Kids who have magical minds 

Violets, lost lives anagram a man 

Locked-in-syndrome, stroke but 

He isn't dead yet, going around 


And around again roundabout 

City a merry go merry go round. 

Formed under black hills rising 

Father is buried up there plot- 


Less, even if he was a bastard 

I owe him all of this, the biga- 

Mist mountain, I.R.A. man 

British army informer, my  

Opinion mole-ester doesn’t 


Matter what he was we have 

To be human I am doing his 

Karma. Life in this hell cell 

isn't so bad, without memory. 


Where did this come from? 

Last night I remembered 

My router code and my 

Password to go online, re- 

Membering not to forget. 

I’m just going with the flow 

Into a magic realism, magic 

Is part of me, compelled 

To write this. I can't seem 

To get out of myself. 


Can't write with no minds 

Eye aphantasia aphantastic 

Two words that spell me. 

can't get out of myself 

Just like the Da in me. 


Syndrome-locked-in. 1

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