Sunday, 6 August 2023



Hole, this is a melancholy study

            Its black and bleak down here.

        No emotional engineering, just

A .dot-wired up al-chem muck






I look inside my black face mask

               To see what is in me, no dream-

       Scape psych a trip, tripped up M-

Ore-mining, how far down can-u

         I’m in a black underearth a black-


           Hole, this is a melancholy study

                 Its black and bleak down here.

No emotional engineering, just

               A .dot-wired up al-chem muck

To gold-Neitzschian. He knew  




How to suffer- Will and will to

Power-no x-mas or birth day

Cell-leb its just pure Dubh-bla

Bla-black. I know the world is

Out there I hear them drive-


By-shooting. On my per-if-

Eerie is a dis-able room dis-

Abled bed and the curtains

Blacked out allergic to sun-

Light red around the head.


A native Irish/English man

with nowhere to go Shop-

pen-Will is my time my-

hour pess-I-mytic hope.



No green/orange- red/blue shot by

Both sides we were wired up, some

Of will get creedmore-electro- shock

You can kill your sons,music was like

A Kill city-round and round abot city

But we took the mushtoom hit.


Cows were alien force we tripped

Nothing the lawonly works dried

out. We were dole hoppers hop-

ping on the mi-cell-ian socal net-

work Fun-guy 2.



















To gold-Neitzschian. He knew

 How to suffer- Will and will to

Power-no x-mas or birth day

Cell-leb its just pure Dubh-bla

Bla-black. I know the world is

Out there I hear them drive-


By-shooting. On my per-if-

            Eerie is a dis-able room dis-

Abled bed and the curtains

        Blacked out allergic to sun-

   Light red around the head.


A native Irish/English man

             with nowhere to go Shop-

pen-Will is my time my-

           hour pess-I-mytic hope.



No-go black path,  I knew like the back

of my back of my hand ta-too-foxy was ere.

Fuck queen and the pope this was my-

Well- fare state,me and Rab-king we

Walked on the wild side-Lou-Read.


No green/orange- red/blue shot by

Both sides we were wired up, some

Of will get creedmore-electro- shock

You can kill your sons, music was like

A Kill city-round and round abot city

But we took the mushrooms hit.


Cows were alien force we tripped

Nothing the lawonly works dried

out. We were dole hoppers hop-

ping on the mi-cell-ian socal net-

work Fun-guy 2.















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