Sunday, 20 August 2023





The internet was down

 for a day. I realized my broken mind had no Cling on to memory, lost without Photo- graphs and Internet. 

                                                                                        PROPER PIC

There Was nothing on my mind, blank.

 I always knew memory was mor-photo-

genetic, the net gave me stimulation. I tried 

to conjure up something in my mind but no 



I cant even think up a con-no-clue-sion, 

wordplay is my depth. I want to say more 

and roll poetic of my tongue but it’s like 

when I woke from stroke.


I seen the word in my mind but nothing 

came out. I am like internet my network 

is down. I can only write of the moment 

I am in no past and future intense.


I tried to save this Word document

But just like me, there is nothing on

Its mind, copy-paste and hope.


Am I just a blog on the write

Hemisphere, waiting to be put

In the virtual-reality wastepaper bin..

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