Sunday, 23 July 2023


 This is a collection of pomements holo-
graphic memory. I cant conjure up images 
in my mind. I have no mind’s eye aphantasia 
but I feel muscle memory. Intrigued by Henri-
Bergson and Iain mc Gilchrist and the divided 
brain. Rupert Sheldrakes morphic resonance 
and Alan Watts backward law.

These great men great poets like Carver, 
Kavanagh, Pessoa to name but a few. I don't 
let on to know these great works or form but their basic 
vibration of life helped me live with a broken mind, 
to accept my broke imperfection and make my words 
for me alone flow.

They are on to something dealing with literature

and scientific fact. I used to write of dreams

and imagination. I had a massive stroke that wiped

my left brain of forty five years of memory. 

It has taken me twenty years to get to this point these

great writers like Michaux and James Simmons.

I am so privileged to stand up sit down on my throne

Wheelchair. These great men gave me the write

Hemisphere. Marguirette Dumass wrote on her

Studies on melancholy: 

When you find your self in a hole at the bottom 

of a hole you realize that only writing will save you.

That and John Berrymans blind-brow, John Keats

negative capability and the magic hand of chance, I live 

with that negative capability, I am still on that spectrum 

of negativity. 

In 2005 I couldn’t read or comprehend a sentence, 

writing was like fishing with maggots they were all 

over the show but I rewrote  my doggerel pomements

Pomes of the moment. I don’t have any emotional

 engineering, so past present dont exist in my world.

I don’t even my children being born childhood or 20 

years of marriage but my pomes are vehicles of holo-

graphic memorys. I attempted suicide twice and left

to deal wiith suicidal tendencies. Even the mental

health couldn’t tell  they hadn’t a clue about aphan-

tasia even G.P.  never heard of it and it was diagnosed 

in 1508.


I found out on youtube from guy who attempted

Suicide twice he couldn’t picture his dead mother.

So much for N.I. mental health. I found out my own

Way through and its been Aphantastic, I am dignified



A flick up on my blog of hopeless hope I don’t

come to this from a scientific mind. I know that my

mind is broken I no longer have the brain power to

Teach creative writing  Fernando Pessoa wrote in

The dream of being alive, its not necessary just to

Live but to feel, that’s good enough for me.

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