Tuesday, 4 April 2023



Really, truth be told my humanity 

has been put through a moral mangle 

for twenty years in this loop that isn’t 

humane humanity.

We have got to stop thinking of this

Christian narrow view.

We have to start to think humanity. 

I'm not here to blaspheme God

or in my case dog, he doesn't live

in my write hemisphere.

The left brain it seems is anger

angst religion, living in N.I.

For god and Ulster in a crusade

I have known war for half a life-

time. I just want to live in peace.

We have to bomb the shit 

out of each other to get 

peace my damaged mind 

can't comprehend this just

don't pick up that fucking gun.

We have hid behind the veil of 

christianity for so long, we are

stalling human evolution. We

cant get out so we have to put

up with living a twisted 

and demented life of hurt.

Fooder for yet another war

for our children's children.

I am not out to tell not to 

believe our minds are warped

with one world sugar sweet

and two loads the gun. 

How can we live in that world 

and not be a LIAR to ourselves.

I have received 

hundreds of thousands of pounds from 

an ethical medical stance.

I am very grateful for my well fare state but 

don’t you think it would be better spent 

on tomorrow's infrastructure not a wasted 

human nonbeing. Let's be real I know 

we need parameters this is my parameter.

I live with a real truth, not a bull story.

 What is the point, I don’t want to die but 

what a waste of resources this is. 

We need to be investing in a decent society 

for tomorrow. I have done my job been 

a father poet teaching creative writing 

my mind no longer has the capacity. 

I am damaged goods live with that truth 

I have to live in your nonsensical state. 

Every day for 20 years, it gets a bit tiring 

my sons and poeartry is out there. 

I have to live in your shadows and watch 

our world crumble away. All because 

of your narrow vision of hypochristy. 

Climate, cost of living transport, nursing 

education  and a -rainhousing crisis, we are going 

to end up sleeping or protesting on the streets. 

Boris bow down and get out the party-

 gate is padlocked.

 He should be arrested and slammed up 

with trump, imagine bojo-trump 

In the same cell that would be dark humor. 

Fixing their hair in the shower the rest is 

up to the imagination. 

He doesn’t even feel embarrassed and 

you are letting him off Scott free. 

Ok UK-rain is just another U.S. state 

when will you stand up for yourself. 

To humanity what is my point, purpose

 keeping me alive is breaking the system. 

I don’t add to this society, l just don’t 

                              see your point.


Wouldn’t I be better as someone who died 

for humanity, as Keats said there is a flaw 

in happiness he accepted his lot 

why cant you!

 Sentimentality will kill humanity, you should 

have calculated that I live without 

long-term memory. 

This has been living in a hell cell, I just 

don’t see your logic of keeping me alive 

to break the system, we have created suicide. 

John Berryman was right we live in a blind- 

brow, this is my daydream song 

of my reality, everyone should have 

the choice to live or die. 

You decided  my life in hell and your ok 

with your moral mangle what about me.

This world isn’t very humane. I don’t 

want your cheap life that is not worth living.  

We find hope in a stoic pessimism will 

and the will to power but you don’t hold 

weight to negative capability. 

I have been bedbound for three years 

my body has broken but must watch 

a six-foot man with legs like tree trunks 

wasting away. I don’t see your point 

this isn’t very nice,  humane.

you're stuck in your Christian view in 

a Plato cave. You and your waste of life 

forced me down the road to wake in 

the hospital crying my eyes out, I 

have to resort to that to find care 

and humanity in suicidal tendencies.

Thats a bit drastic it's your way or high-

way where do I fit into your bullshit.

 Give people the right to die, were 

big boys and girls aren't we? 

Give me the dignity to live to die. 

You made your decision now I have 

to live with that one but it takes two to

tango your giving me no choice, I have 

to go down your road to nowhere.


You are making existence cheap in an end-

less war live and by the sword.

I didn’t attempt suicide twice to die 

I did it to live, think of positive suicide 

stick your suicide tendencies. I gambled 

life and death it made my decision.

 Your bullshit value put me in a sad 

and rotten way. You belong to a nasty blood 

be gets bloodthirsty and warmongering.


 Jesus didn’t mean this way of life, living 

a holy 2000-year crusade In gods name. 

I want none of that, you disgust me. 

It's not ok to take a life in anybody’s 


Snobbery has tripped up humanity 

and we are falling to the ground. 

There is only one way out for me but 

you can turn this around 

for the sake of humanity. 

Just like gambling on life, I gambled death.

 you put me in that position I didn’t see much 

point to life. Let me live to die, I was a poet/

father let me be remembered as that not 

a wasting lump of flesh waiting around to die. 

Give me hope not a cruel, cruel world 

living in a hopeless hope the only

 to find hope was gambling, I had 

to find even if that meant suicide.


My life how can you consult insult my life 

to live with half a brain, I haven’t

lived one second better than I did

before the stroke. I exist in this repetitive 

repeat a moment for twenty years 

do you think that’s fair? 

Think the right way round and everything will 

be sound recorded just before my stroke who by 

I cant remember.


As Peter Gabriel said ‘I can’t remember don’t 

recall I got no memory of anything at all’. 

Don’t get me a false hopes in these words

                  think of humanity.

If you find yourself in a black hole 

at the bottom of a black hole 

realizing only writing can save 


 wrote marguerite dumass 

on her studies on melancholy.

 I found myself in that dark.

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