Monday 20 February 2023

Heres my website:



This is the very reason why I’m a non-voter, I was

 very saddened to hear the news from my care

 giver’s that Scotland got the “NO” vote. 

I was very sad for Scotland, they stood up and took

 it on the chin but I was saddened for humanity,

 maybe this should have been a world wide web



This was the first time in my life that there was a

 shift towards a true democracy but now I don’t

 even know the meaning of that word.  It feels like

 I’m right back at the start in a highchair not 

a wheelchair but I’m standing or sitting firmly in 

the fact that I know everything I’ve got in life, I got

 myself because I have true democracy and truth in

 my heart and as the “YES” vote said trust for each

 other humanity.


 Good on Scotland they took the world’s first step,

 just a shame they didn’t have the balls to follow

 through. We live in a molly-coddled nanny state,

 watched over by a sweet old lady that’s full of

 sentimentalism. I’ll stand up to sit down in this

 wheelchair for my rights in any country, when 

I took the stroke, and I woke unable to walk 

or talk paralyzed down the right side. 


It seemed to me that I was damaged goods

that they should have let die.  Their ethics of

 medicine and their moral judgment kept me alive,

 what about humanity.  No wonder our economy

is going down the drain. I have lived now for 

years since the stroke in this wheel-chair, really

 when you take me down to my basic form of

 humanity, I am just a brain

and a left hand. 


Living in a welfare state, it has cost the powers

 that be almost two hundred thousand pounds to

 keep me alive.  Not one second of my life has been

 any better than before the stroke, do you call this

 living?  If I had been given the choice of life and

 death I would have chosen death, we have the

 power to save life but it would cost billions or 

even trillions to build a disabled infrastructure.  

I would choose death not on the grounds of 

the ethics of medicine or moral judge-

meant but humanity.


That old wives tale is still alive and kicking

and that old crusade that we pump billions

into defense.  It doesn’t matter what land 

you’re from, this was a world debate 

and the world hasn’t got the balls to move on 

and be themselves. A Scottish friend sent me a

 pensée about always turning left 

that’s the right road.


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