Saturday, 22 October 2022



I can’t remember days before 2005

the day I took a stroke, everything

since is made-up nonsense but

I have to create a world where I can

exist in oneness, being as they say.


I am as fed up as you in a written mumble

but what else can I do, life is just like suicide.

Let’s be honest the dogs honest, there’s no point

to my life I can live with that.


I’ve lived with this for twenty years, I’m just going

on feeling not meaning like a spider or a mouse.

There’s a weeping woman in the hallway

Grieving for me. I’m impotent disabled paralyzed.

I live in this reality, don’t recall a family.


The poems have to be about me or the moment

As they are momentous, I live in a default loop

The boy from elsewhere. My fathers buried up

There on the black hills but we can’t find his plot

Even that could be a lie he died as he lived unknown.


Big Jim, John, Sean, Fox or Irvine, I don’t even know

My name he had so many aliases all I know is that he

Was a bastard from Belfast my mother was Pat Keogh

And that’s good enough for me, you can’t beat

The truth or is it all a lie.


It feels good to get this of my chest, it’s like

Pressing a refresh button a new-clear way

Its not Russia or Uk-rain. I stand on my own

Two feet.


‘Whosoever would save his soul shall lose it’


My life is the light of wonder

An eternal spark of negativity

That came from re-birth

A stroke, a sunder.


Without memory, dream

cripple words have crippled me. 

They say Memory, dreams

Are pure poetry so where

does this come from?


Poems are moment-us-moments

and this is my unadopted kingdom.



Tears fall like bombs on the cheeks of humanity

Imploding Peace spoke by Jeffrey Sachs and Tulsi

Gabbard. I used to go to the BBC for a fair minded

Broadcasting a shadow of horrible truth but we

live now in a NATO security state.


Where my utterance falls like newspeak, I don’t

Seem to matter anymore. Where is all the Anti-

War and the climate warriors the world is being

Raped/pillaged while you look on nonchalant.


I have to dive into the Dive, Moats or Redacted

To Breakthrough into a podcast semblance

Of truth and still these voices go off unheard

As if were all tripping on nuclear fallout pills,


I have been posting for months now this image

that says ‘Life is peace there is nothing else, De-

Mili-Tear-eyes’, my eyes are burning sadness

Your capitalist greed is fueling this war.


The ordinary man is on the streets protesting

No fuel to go to work to feed their families.

What ever happened to basic human rights

Get your head out and look around.


Don’t blame everything on Russia/Ukrain

Their brothers they’ll sort it out it goes

Back thousands of years, NATO get your

Nose out where it doesn’t belong, Hunter


Biden started this war with porn and drug

Fueled nonsense and his Dad is going to finish

can’t you see were being played.

This is a fallout con-

Script prescription

Signed by




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