Tuesday, 27 September 2022



The doorbell rang, my blister pack

opened my bedroom door delivered.

I was trying to keep the heat in, now

I have to start again, all he had to do

was post it through the door.


 What more do they want, I’m ok

Leave me alone trying to heat just

One room.  I have hardly any money

to heat my home. Scammed of twenty

thousand pound but who gives

a damn or cares.


They feel they are doing me a favor

I live with care four times a day that’s

all the care I need. Give me an hour to

myself ill end up saying fuck off and

you wont like me when I’m angry, let

me deal with dis-


ability, people’s ways are beyond me

nonchalant, flaws of humanity like

nurses who want to see the bedsores

on my ass ok they say! and walk out

the automatic door.


For two tears now they have done this once-

a-week, that’s all they do, quilt not tucked in

glasses remote left where I can’t reach, here

comes care to roll my ass again, at least they

feed me tuck me in put on my glasses

the automatic door is rotating, the key fob

hangs around my neck like a noose.


I haven’t got any fucking money, I give up!

On suicide watch being driven to sue.

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