Friday, 18 March 2022




One of the first flickering of violence I seen 
from the front window in Herbert street
as if on a wide screen TV. in high definition.  

The b-special numbers flashed in the full moon 
light chasing a guy along the street, a trundgen 
caught the back of his legs and brought him down 
into the gutter outside my window. 

 I stood there in my brothers hand me down pyjamas 
and beside me on the wall was a picture of Jesus 
in a crown of thorns with blood running down his face 
lit by a little red cross.  

They kicked him into the gutter calling him a fenian 
bastard, words I didn't understand but this scene 
became the norm for thirty years, they jumped 
on his head in hob-nailed boots and open his 
head like a rotten tomato.

I looked to him and the picture of Jesus 
and threw up all over the lino floor.  My 
mother rushed in and said don't worry  
it will be ok and pulled the curtain before 
removing my pyjamas and mopping up.  

She tucked me into the mattress on the floor 
kissed me and said don't worry ade everything 
will be ok.  The next morning on the way to 
Mulhollands green grocers shop for broken biscuits, 
that smelt of the sea,dulce and earthy potatoes.

I checked the path for blood to make sure I wasn't 
dreaming but the blood was scrubbed clean 
stained in bleach.

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