Sunday, 27 March 2022




We have been hen pecked by capitalism.

Britain had a great tradition of eccentric

Individualism but the film: ‘A long good

Friday’, has become a reality and we live

Now in a world of greed taken over by

The American dream lost

in a mega rich fog.


Our souls are moneybags labelled with

A brand name.  It’s no longer ok just to

Win ten thousand pound on a game show.

We want to win a hundred million, get 

sucked into a million pound drop. 

We are dropping to a level where you don’t need 

knowledge and art anymore, All that matters is 

the money in your pocket.


We are lost in a gambling haven

sanctioned by a government who

takes gains from drugs drink

and gambling.

 When I went to school they taught 

and promoted individualism, now 

they teach business and greed.


I don’t have answers my only way is 

to reject greed. We have already 

been swamped by the dream, it is 

taking us down the road to nowhere.

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