Sunday, 11 July 2021


Light creep’s in the side of my

blackout curtain like shadowed

pages of a book, Accordion.

The sun affects my tender thin

Skin the road  affects my de-

generative spinal cord dis-ease.

At least I’m good at one thing-

whinging pomes of para-

lyzed long-term memory loss.


Churning out feeling not

meaning stuff.

                        beyond the blue automatic dis-

                                 abled door. Bed-sores 

                                        keep me bed-ridden.

Ghastly things, I hear you say.

You're missing out on Schopenhauers

Pessimistic/optommism, Religon

held a genius back but he’s more

relevant today, no murder, greed

                          got in his way, the real blue true thing.

Living just isn't living anymore.

It affects my well being on thin-

skin almost translucent.

I hope you have a ball, 

a Schopenhauer one.

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