Monday, 21 June 2021

 JUMP-SHIP (civil rights for civil wrongs)


It is funny how a friend bought me a copy of the book 

'anam cara which means ‘soul friend in Irish.  

I just wrote ‘Chinese opera’ which tries to capture 

the same essence of light and dark.


The buddha, the easel, the TV on stand by

And the shapes drifting across my ceiling. 

I give them a voice from the beauty that I’ve seen. 

They shimmer and move casting shadows, on my 

very own Chinese opera.

The light of the moon and this mobile -

Phone is the only illumination

For my backdrop, even the itch on my neck

Creates a movement of life.

The pictures on my wall are the frame by

Frame animation, the flashing light of my 

Zip drive is the dance of a beautiful woman.

Waiting for the dawn to rise and cover my 

theatre in a blanket of light.


Maybe we're on the same journey, I know my journey,

is to paint with words and images of my inner landscape.  

I think I'm flowing in the river of positive simplicity, 

touching on the same banks towards the sea that opens 

in brilliance.  No longer part of the rat race.  

I remember working on an assembly line 

and the supervisor looking over my shoulder,

I thought, felt ‘used’ is the right word for it, 

I'm putting together this vending machine,

and someone else is reaping the profits 

for that moment of thought, I felt like nothing. 

I've never liked the workplace, not because I'm lazy

I just don’t think its right that you do the work 

for a pittance wage and someone else gets the profit. 

 Ive always been an advocate for fair-play civil rights 

for civil wrongs justice and the underdog.   

I think we're caught in the circle of consumerism 

going round and round in the vertigo of hypnotism

Caught in the cycle of capitalism.  Ok they give you 

a few bobs every week to go on holiday or go down 

the pub but you're worth more than that.  

Tell the supervisor to tell the managing director to tell 

the director to tell the owner that you're not taking it any-

more.`Your not a sheep that follows the flock in his queue 

to the clock-in machine.  Don’t forget if you get £300

a week you're worth twice that.  

If your job description states, you get 400 hundred a week.

Then you're worth double that.  Ok, his profits go down, 

but he's the gambler, not you. He's willing to stake his claim, 

the economy needs to get out of this consumerist cycle, and take a 

spin on the crossbar of simplicity. 

People haven’t got time to be themselves, were becoming 

yet another American state fuelled by greed no wonder 

the therapists are on the big money.  Society is screaming 

for help and the politicians get his backhander and a little pat 

on the back because our economy is thriving, on what this 


Let's jump ship while we can before it's too late.  

It seems we're on the rails to no-where heading 

towards the landslides of derailment.  Its time 

we found that reverse gear before its too late,

think of the next generation.  We are not here 

for long enough to leave them our worldly goods 

so lets give them something that costs nothing, 

the path of simplicity.  

Let's forget about this road of capitalism who 

wins not you because we live in such a negative 

society, the lottery is the poor man's tax reaping 

the rewards, sucking you dry. 


Lets get back on track towards respect. Respect 

for the earth the land and the sea respect others 

opinions agree to disagree respect your neighbours 

and don’t get caught  in tribalism and tear down 

the barricades of hate. Someone once said 

never hate your enemy it clouds your judgement.  


We desperately are in need of a new gentle light, 

the soul can shelter and reveal its ancient belongings. 

Meaning his spiritual wisdom from the Celtic world.  

Harness it and ride bareback through the fields, 

and gallop through nature in all its beauty.   

Two years ago I took a stroke all I could move 

was my eyes, I had a thing called locked- in-

syndrome I knew what was being said but 

I couldn’t communicate.   This feels like 

my second time around so im not taking it 

for granted, I know how quickly things can change.   

One minute I was reading a book the next 

I was on the floor, then in intensive care. 

I was in the hospital for a year and now I'm in a wheel-

chair.   I don’t care if it changes in the next five minutes, 

all I know is I'm gonna make this world better for my kids.  

Have respect for those you look down on, don’t forget  

Any minute now something will happen.

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