Saturday, 18 December 2021


The Artifical Ponsettia 

For Allison x


The art-ifical Ponsettia

That replaces x-mas tree.

My first job was market-

Gardener flower arranging

Wreaths, cutting down axe-

Mas trees, the pine needle’s

On damp skin found itched

Weeks later. Dawn on Ravens-

Dale forest collecting moss

For seasonal wreaths acorn

Berries and fern foliage.



The son of an I.R.A. hardman

Flower arranging imagine that

Making these words fit this pome

Like the flower fits my eye

They all sync. 


I don’t do Jesus or axe-mas but

I like the red petals, remind me

of a past I thought lost forever

but I can see beyond a worn

 basket that weaves beside

a woodcut card created

by a friend.

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