Saturday, 9 October 2021


for Consulant, Yousef and all the staff 1. North

Woke looked up to see a hospital tile

Dot dash dot dash dot dash dot dash. 24 x 24 like 

a modern-day art piece, a myriad of colours.

of yellow swastikas Signs $,£, %, @ Ever since 

I took my stroke colours danced in my eyes. 

The black holes danced like nothing 

I have ever seen. I thought it was an infestation of

 spiders but the nurse told me they were the

 heads of screws.

Let's say nothing of A&E leaving me on 

a hard mattress all day, using cavlon spray 

when I'm allergic to it losing my sleeping mask

 tichat draws tears and grit from my eyes. As i

 write this tears trip me, light stings but I can bed-

bound out and be charged and free Yousef, Im

sorry but this is the bitterest pill I ever had to 


Tell Yousef and co. I'm sorry for being a raging

 bull but when my cage gets rattled I only

 know one way when I was angry I have a very

 sharp tongue. Yousef, I'm sorry but this is the

 the bitterest pill I ever had to swallow. 

You stopped the tablet that lowers my rate keeps

 me calm.

I look out and to see two black-

birds peck tenderness on the branches 

of the green gold tree in a bed 

of feathers.


           So much tenderness.

Unwritten Graffiti - Adrian Fox & Rodney Cordner - Violets ...

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