Thursday, 30 September 2021






Rab, I don’t remember but

Our aim was true, we were

Litter picker-uppers who

Never picked rubbish up

To be registered by C.B.C.


By the council. We stole

Them from bin-sheds, we

Drank tea-smoked rollies 

listened to Lou Reed 

and walked on his

Wild side staying up for

Days bouncing off the walls

of anti-depression. We

were high as a kite, If you

slept you were dead.


Dropping Magic mushrooms

in the fields around bluestone.

The cows were like alien’s

Cops were like beings from

Another world we laughed

At them and they couldn't do

a thing we didn’t dry them

ate them on the go with

thunderbird wine or a can.


King taught me how to be me

He was like my older brother.

I miss you Rab but you’re in here

In syndrome never forgotten.


Last time I saw the King was at

a blues gig in Belfast Buddy-

Guy, were are still at that gig.

Poems and songs will be writ

of you a man like no other


       My brother.


I thought that this was gone

But I wrote in five minutes flat.

Kinger you are here with me

Buddy Guy the blues, really true.


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