Will was born out of Kantian negatiotn
its vaguness is representation. Scopenhauhers
pessimism was the pursuit of happiness.
Nietzschian will to power, the law of will
and will to power created of two great minds
cametogether as a natural force
You can kill all you want but
don’t blaspheme his bloody name.
Prod and taig, you are bound by
this land for god and for ulster.
I can’t write Cruci-Fiction, against
my will of Schopenhauer pessimism.
My solitude is the poets essential-
loneliness, my Nietzschian will to
power, god is dead we murdered him.
Who will wash the blood away
we have to give peace to get peace.
Are we just barbarians on another
brutal crusade. Lock up the good
Nietzscheism: The philosophy of Nietzsche, emphasizing the will to power as the chief motivating force of both the individual and society

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